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Educational applications. 20th anniversary

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Reading for children

Reading por major

Poetry for children

Poetry for major




Natural Sciences

Recursos para el profesorado

Philosophy for children

Philosophy for adults





The family

Religion for childresn

Religion for major

V. Jesus for children

V. Jesus for major

To teach

Educational Applications for to teach and to form.


Magazine of the 20th anniversary
 of Education applications

Number 60


The freedom of man, by Arthur Ramo,

Current inconsistencies, by Arthur Ramo,

We are all vulnerable,  by Federico Gómez,

Families, couples and breakups, by Roberto Grao,

In defense of children,  by Gabriel Roselló,

  School exercises 

Readings for children (6 to 9 years). With 40 exercises in English  and 40 in Spanish.   

Reading for adults (10 and more years). With 40 exercises in English and 40 in Spanish.

Calculation. (6 to 9 years). Operations and poblems. With 70 exercises in English and 70 in Spanish.

Mathematics.  (10 and more years). With 42 exercises in English and 42 in Spanish.

Natural sciences.  (10 and more years). With 23 exercises in English and 23 in Spanish.

Poetry for children (6 to 9 years). With 3 exercises in English and 40 in Spanish.  

Poetry for adults (10 and more years). With 3 exercises in English and 40 in Spanish.

Algebra.  (10 and more years). With 3 exercises in English and 30 in Spanish.

Philosophy for children.  (6 to 9 years). With 10 exercises in English and 10 in Spanish.

Philosophy for adults.  (10 and more years). With 57 exercises in English and 57 in Spanish.

Universal Geography.  (10 and more years). With 40 exercises in English and 40 in Spanish.

Universal History.  (10 and more years). With 40 exercises in English and 40 in Spanish.

Self-education.  (10 and more years). With 3 exercises in English and 40 in Spanish.

Boyfriends.  (10 and more years). With 3 exercises in English and 40 in Spanish.

Family.  (10 and more years). With 3 exercises in English y 35 in Spanish.

Religion for children.  (6 to 9 years). With 35 exercises in English and 35 in Spanish.

Religion for adults.  (10 and more years). With 60 exercises in English and 60 in Spanish.

Life of Jesus for children.  (6 to 9 years). With 3 exercises in English and 30 in Spanish.

Life of Jesus for adults.  (10 and more years). With 3 exercises in English y 50 in Spanish.  


Utilities: Free subscription,  Free registration, other magazines and Educational Application.

Music of Vivaldi

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®Arturo Ramo García.-Record of intellectual property of Teruel (Spain) No 141, of 29-IX-1999 Plaza Playa de Aro, 3, 1º DO 44002-TERUEL (Spain)

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