The Romans called barbarians to foreigners, that is, those who were outside of the boundaries of the Empire. The Slavs from the Russian steppes and the Germans from Central Europe stand out. The Germans were tall Indo-Aryans with blue eyes and white skin. They are distinguished by their personal value.
- LIFE: freemen and slaves were distinguished among the Germanic. The family was the basic unit of society and the father had absolute authority. The lands were cultivated by women and slaves, while the men worked in the war and in the hunting.
- FORM OF GOVERNMENT. The Germans were grouped into tribes. When there was any danger, several tribes grouped in a confederation led by a commander or king. In the upper picture, we see that the German warriors are holding a general assembly directed by the king. In these assemblies the important issues as the choice of the leader, declaration of war, land distribution and justice were discussed.
- RELIGION: Wotan was the god of battles and his wife Freya was the goddess of love. They believed that the soldiers killed in battle were collected by the Valkyries and taken to Valhalla, where they could hunt eternally.
2. Indicate if these sentences refer to the life, to the government or to the religion: