34. The sacrament of order

  1. The sacrament of order

    The Holy Order is the sacrament by which some Christians are elevated to the dignity of being ministers of God.

   To satisfy the necessities of the Church and of the civil society, Jesus Christ instituted the Holy Orders and the Marriage, to bring salvation. They are known as sacrament at the service of community.

   The bishops and priests receive the Holy Orders, which entitled them to act in the name of Jesus Christ, head of the Church. But all believers take part in the priesthood of Christ by the common priesthood of the faithful ones.

   The Holy Orders were instituted by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper, when He ordered to his apostles and successors to renovate his sacrifice in the cross during the Mass. He said: “Do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22,19). On the Resurrection day He gave to them the power to forgive sins.

   This sacrament has three levels: Bishops, Priests and Deacons. The deacons' task is to help the priests and bishops.

  A. Answer with a word

 Some Christians are dignified as

 To satisfy the needs of the civil society, Jesus Christ instituted the

 For the needs of the Church He instituted

 These sacraments are called “at the service of

 All the Christians believers participate from the … priesthood

 The bishops and priests receive the priesthood

 Jesus Christ instituted the Holy Orders during the

 The three levels are: episcopacy, presbytery and

  2. Effects of the Holy Orders

    - Increases sanctifying grace.

   - The sacramental graces to give dignity to the holy functions.

   - The special powers of each order.

   - Impress an indelible nature. The Order, when received, is never loosed. The priest always will be a priest.

   This sacrament can only be received by baptized males who have the appropiate requeriments.

   The main functions of a priest are:

   - Celebrate the Mass.

   - Administer the sacraments. The priest accompany Christians during their lives since their birth to their death: baptizing, confessing, giving communion, etc.

   - Preach the Word of God. The priest tell the homily during the Mass, give religious instruction to children and teaching the faithful with meditations and talks.

   The main objective of the priest is to give guidance to the Christian people, and direct them to sanctity; and also to raise the official prayer of the Church, praying the Divine Office daily.

   LParents must give liberty to their sons to choose their real vocation, if God call them to priesthood. Believers must pray for new wise and holy priests in the Church.

  B. Answer with a word

 This sacrament gives an increasing of the … grace

 To fulfill his tasks in a right way he has … grace

 It impress an indelible sign called

 Priesthood is received

 One of the tasks of the priest is to celebrate the Holy

 The priests administer the

 The priests preach the Word of

 The believers must pray for the priests who are wise and

  3. Questions from the catechism

1. What is the Holy Order?  The Holy Order is the sacrament by which some Christians are elevated to a high dignity of being ministers of God.

2. Which are the main tasks of a priest?  The main tasks of a priest are: to celebrate Mass, administer the sacraments and preach the word of God.

3. How big is the dignity of a priest?  The dignity of a priest is the highest in the world, because he is the intermediary between God and the men.

  C. Choose a suitable answer. Options are below.



 1. What is the Holy Order?

 2. Which are the main functions of a priest?

 3. How big is the dignity of a priest?



 To celebrate the Holy Mass, administer the sacraments and preach the word of God.


 It is the highest in the world, because he is the intermediary between God and the men.


 The sacrament by which some Christians are elevated to a high dignity of being ministers of God.

  Intentions for a Christian life

   - To pray for holy priests and be joyful for the vocation of the priesthood, if God call us.

   - To be respectful and kind with all the priests.

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