Little woman


   Once upon a time a little woman lived in her little house.

    One night, while she was in her bed, she heard a noise.

    She got out of the bed and lit a candle.    She looked under her bed. She looked under her table. She looked under her chair.

    There is nothing here.

    So she put out her candle and returned to her bed.

    The little woman closed her eyes. She was sleeping when she... heard a noise!

    So she got out of her bed and lit a candle and went downstairs.

    She entered in her living room. She looked under her table. She looked under her chairs.

    There is nothing.

    So she went upstairs, put out her candle and returned to her bed.

    The little woman closed her eyes. She was sleeping when she... heard a noise!       She got out of the bed. She lit a candle. She went downstairs. She entered in the living room. She went up the table. She lifted the tablecloth. She looked under. And suddenly it came!

    –Well, well – said the little woman– To be scared of a small boo!

     James H. Van Sickle

Instructions: Press one of the letters (a, b and c). The right answer will be in red.


1) What did the little woman hear while she is in her bed?

 a) A noise

 b) A goldfinch

 c) An alarm clock

2) She looked under her...  

a) Cupboard, table, machine

b) Bed, table, chair

c) Chair, machine, cupboard

3) Which come from under the tablecloth?

a) Boo, boo!

b) Tweet, tweet!

c) Boo!



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®Arturo Ramo García.-Record of intellectual property of Teruel (Spain) No 141, of 29-IX-1999
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